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Project Management

  • Project Management

With our extensive project management experience, we are able to confidently manage every aspect of your construction project, EverTechs expertise in the respective technical disciplines is matched by a thorough knowledge and understanding of construction related issues.

Our Project Management Services include the following:

Concept Planning

Concept planning and design creates the basis for the construction project, we fully cooperate with the client, in terms of project requirements, which allows for the development of a practical design, cost estimation and timeframe.


The concept design management target is to collect and clarify the client’s requirements and to ensure that items such as planning, design requirements, functional, and technical etc, have been taken into consideration.


By utilizing our in-house design team, we can provide a full set of concept design drawings and include these within the feasibility study report, after approval by the client, these drawings can be adapted to become the basis for the preliminary design and used for permitting approval.

Permitting Management

We understand permitting is often in the project critical path and specifically the timeline to get the construction permit, the current rules and regulations covering fire protection, health and safety, environmental and energy management requires foresighted planning.


EverTech will assign a dedicated permitting person to manage the whole permitting process and will ensure smooth construction planning permit application, detailed design, 3rd party drawing audit and construction permit application, we are also experienced in managing the site execution to achieve approvals at the inspection stage.


The key to this is early engagement and pre- consultations with the authorities to ensure alignment in the design stage.

The typical permitting activities and strategies are as follows

·    Development of overall permitting roadmap

·  Identify the permitting scope of work of contractors during the procurement stage

·  Coordinate with Client and authorities to obtain the construction permits.

·  Lead the application of getting comments from bureaus of transport, traffic police, greening, design review centre, etc.

·  Management of permitting vendors in the CM stage

·  Coordination and communication with the local authorities

·  Work with contractors for the authority’s inspection and acceptance

·  Coordination and application for required approvals for all plan and construction works, and acceptance at the end of the project.

Pre-Tender Phase

Before offers can be obtained a detailed set of documents need to be compiled and issued, these documents include,

·         An invitation to bid

·         Bidding Instructions

·         Tender Company Questionnaire

·         Contract Conditions

·         Project Specifications

·         Drawings

·         Bill of Quantities

·         Energy Saving Requirements (if needed)

Our experience in compiling such documents ensures your project can be tracked and managed correctly.

Bidding & Tender Negotiations

We have in-depth knowledge and experience during the bidding/tendering process, and can assist clients with the evaluation and selection of bidders, and assist with contract negotiations with the chosen contractor.

Construction Management

(To be input)

Cost & Project Control

We ensure that the correct control systems are implemented, in terms of project documentation requirements and cost control and monitoring are maintained.

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